Setelah begadang mempersiapkan pesta ultah sang anak tercinta, besoknya langsung marathon lagi mengerjakan orderan brownies kukus buat Ana (Global freight). Alhamdulillah selesai pas jam 12 malam (Senin dinihari) dan besok paginya langsung dibawa ke kantor karena rencana awal Mba Ana mau pick up sendiri ke kantor saya. Pada hari H Mba Ana YM mengcancel pick up hari Senin dan diubah jadi hari ini.

Thanks ya Mba Ana atas orderannya. Semoga berkenan.

(This order came from Ana (Global Freight). She ordered steamed brownies. I made the cakes the night after Farizi's birthday. I was still tired after passed through the hard day preparing the party but I had to finish the order as well. Thanks God everything was finished at 12 pm.
Ana has a plan to pick up the cakes by Monday before but then she informed me through Yahoo Messenger to pick the cakes up by today.
Thanks Ana for your order. I hope you like the cakes).

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