Order kali ini datangnya dari My hubby alias suami tercinta buat sahabat karibnya yang kebetulan ulang tahun di Bulan Januari juga. Asyiknya walau orderan dari suami tapi teteup profesional donk alias tetap dibayar (bahkan melebihi harga standard he he he senengnya). Hubby order black forest yang pakai pagar twister (bosen deh bikin black forest dengan dekor yang sama terus, kapan ya bisa bikin black forest dengan dekor yang beda? Tapi mau gimana lagi lah ini request customer kok) dan selusin donat kentang yang mayoritas rasanya asin (pakai sosis ayam, abon dan keju) plus yang manis dengan toping butter cream plus DCC serut.
Thanks ya honey atas big supportnya. Thanks juga karena selalu pengertian mau menyuntikkan dana segar terus (jadi keenakkan deh tukang kuenya). Orderan berikutnya siap dikerjakan Boss !!
(This order came from my beloved husband. He ordered balck forest and potato dougnuts for one of his best friend who was celebrate his birthday in January just like us. Eventhough this order came from my husband but he paid me just like my other customers. We tried to be professional. I was so happy since he paid me more than he should be :)
Special request from him was black forest which decorated with twister chocolate rolls as usual. Honestly I was bore with this kind of decoration but I couldn't say no since it was my customer's request. I have to follow his request. I wish I could make other kind of decoration of black forest next time.
My husband also requested 1 dozen of potato doughnuts which topping were chicken sausage, beef floss, cheese and butter cream with chocolate.
Thanks honey for your support to my business. You always give big support not only in spirit but also in financial. I am so lucky to have a very kind husband like you. I'm ready to do your next order, Sir !)
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