Sewaktu lomba tumpeng untuk 17 an yang lalu, saya iseng2 bikin 2 jenis cup cake buat penyemarak meja tempat tumpeng kami dipamerkan. Dan memang dengan adanya deretan cup cake yang menggoda ini bikin meja kami colourful dan ceria banget. Nggak heran kalau akhirnya para dewan juri jatuh hati dan menobatkan kami sebagai pemenang lomba tumpeng. Alhamdulillah...

Cup cake yang saya buat ada 2 jenis, satu coklat butter cake yang di dekor dengan edible image dan buttercream warna warni dan satu lagi browniess kukus yang dihias topping coklat ganache dan irisan strawberry segar. Hmmm yummy banget, dan pas beres2 meja sehabis lomba ternyata deretan cup cakenya sudah ludes....Alhamdulillah kalau pada suka dengan cup cake made in YamiYummy ehm hm hm....;-)

(I made 2 kinds of cupcakes while tumpeng competition in our independence day. I made them just to make our table which used to show our tumpeng more colourfull and tempted. No wonder if the judges then decided thet the winner of tumpeng competition was our creation. Thanks God.....

I made 2 kinds of cupcakes, chocolate butter cake decorated with edible images and colourfull buttercream. The other was steamed brownies which topped with chocolate ganache and fresh strawberry. Hmmm they were really really yummy to taste.

When I cleaned up the table I found that there were no cupcakes left behind. Glad to know that everybody loved my cupcakes,made of YamiYummy.. ehm hm hm....;-))

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