Sehabis ber-tumpeng-an ria saya langsung harus kembali berkutat dengan habitat asal. Besoknya saya langsung membuat BDCK buat Fahmi di Slipi, Jakarta Barat. Sempet mati ide kalau bikin kue buat anak cowok. Awalnya mau buat BDCK dengan hiasan kereta2an yang terbuat dari kue yang dicarving, tapi apa daya lantaran tenaga masih belum pulih 100% akhirnya keputusan akhir pakai mainan jadi aja.
So here it is, my next creation...Kue ini saya delivery pagi2 banget ke Slipi, nebeng sama my husband yang kebetulan kantornya searah. Pas malam iseng2 saya nelpon ibunya Fahmi dan ternyata Alhamdulillah keluarga Fahmi suka banget dengan BDCKnya.
Met 1st B'day ya Fahmi semoga bisa cepet jalan....
(After great independence day I had to back to my own origin, my beloved kitchen to bake cake again...At the next morning I started to bake birthday cake for Fahmi, a year old baby who lives at Slipi, West Jakarta. Actually I had no idea for the cake's decoration. At the first I would make train from carving cake but I still tired so finnally I just put the toy on the cake.
So here it is, my next creation.....I delivered this cake very early in the morning to Slipi together with my husband since his office is near with my destination. At the evening I tried to phone Fahmi's mother and Thanks God she said that everybody liked the cake dan they all said it was so tasty and yummy.
Happy birthday, Fahmi. Hope you can walk soon....)
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