Pas lagi asyik2nya liburan di Bandung minggu lalu sambil jadi guide dadakan buat teman buleku, Julia Schaefer, mendadak keponakan tercinta, Piwi, request kue ulang tahun. Requestnya sih sebenarnya sederhana cuma BDCK yang ada unsur barbienya beserta donat kentang. Yang jadi masalah adalah permintaannya terlalu mepet sementara sang tukang kue masih terpengaruh syndrom long holiday.

Tapi demi keponakan tercinta yang belum pernah dibuatkan kue ultah padahal tantenya tukang kue maka sang tukang kue langsung bergelut dengan oven lagi walau baru aja pulang dari Bandung. Terpaksa begadang deh hehehe. Ga pa palah asal jangan sering2 ya Piw.

Met b'day ya, Piw. Semoga jadi anak yang pintar, sholehah, berbakti pada orang tua dan murah rezeki. Amiin.

P.S. Lantaran mepet rencana bikin kue barbie gag kesampaian dan yang ultah sempet protes karena sang princessnya kok gendut amat ? Hehehe maaf ya say...

(One of my niece, Piwi, phoned me and requested a birthday cake for her birthday last week. Actually, her request was so simple since she just asked a cake with barbie and some potato donuts. The main problem was, I was still in Bandung as I had to be a guide for my German pen pal, Julia Schaefer. I still enjoyed my holiday in Bandung with my husband and my son as well. But then I realized that I never made cake for her so far eventhough I have a business in birthday cake. So, back from Bandung at the afternoon I went to my lil' kitchen and took my night for making the birthday cake and donuts. What a hectic day for me but that was ok, no problem at all.

Happy birthday my beloved niece, Piwi. Wish all the best for you. I'm really sorry for not making you a barbie cake since I didn't have much time as your aunt just back from the long holiday in Bandung. May be some other time, dear. I promise...)

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